Tuesday, 21 February 2012


I’ve been wanting to paint a canvas for a while now.  I’ve come up with many ideas and took beautiful pictures that I thought would be great for it.  But it’s been so long since I’ve just put paint to canvas that I was slightly afraid.  What if it turned out to be a mess, I hadn’t planned it down to the final detail… it might be terrible.  So last night I gave myself 20 minutes to do out a sketch, only 1 sketch and I had to paint it today.  A very rough sketch, some crocheting and a good night sleep later I was set up watching ‘Breaking Bad’ season 2 with my paints and canvas all ready.

I used a cheap canvas and the ends of paints I have had for a year or 2. 
I found myself sketching with pencil and i was freaking me out so I picked up the paint brush and just began.  Finally free fun and just painting, nearly laughing at myself for being so afraid at the start.  I’m sure it happens to everyone at times but I still felt silly.

Anyway it didn’t turn out to be a work of art, it’s very simple but I like it, so much so that I might even hang it in my bedroom.  The excitement is already bubbling up at the thought of the next larger canvas I have to fill up!  And here it is

Something so simple helped me so much x

Monday, 13 February 2012

House Jumpers !!!!!!!

Ok so I haven't been blogging as much as I wanted to but I am thinking and planning them!
I live in what is now being called recession mansions.  A big house that was on the market when the recession hit, 13 people pitched in together and have formed the strangest of families!
Made up of people on the dole, full/part time workers, artists, musicians, trades men and of course festival workers, it is by far the most interesting, exciting place I've ever lived.
I will post more about the house and it's people but I had to talk now about the jumpers we got.
On a trip to a local liquidation shop a bag of 13 matching woolen tennis club jumpers was found and purchased, sounds ridiculous but my god it's hilarious.  We've all been going around the house like little children in matching uniforms.
These are the times I'll remember when I'm older and look back at them smiling.

Good times my friend, good times x

Monday, 6 February 2012

Visual Memories

So it's been a pretty busy few days, haven't really been writing any entries yet so I'm going to put up some pictures and introduce you a little more to my life.....

* The first giant cupcake I made *

* Sir Gregory House the hamster *

* Forever Changes - Love.  The best album of all time, check it out!! *

* My first crochet blanket, I got it finished within 2 weeks of breaking my foot *

* One of our house parties, we re-enacted the ferrero roche Ambassador Ball *

* Birch Gallagher, one of the house dogs.  He is the most lovable big dogs ever *

Ok it's pretty cold here in the internet room so I'm gonna have to finish up now and head to the cosy sitting room, I will plan my next one today and write a proper entry tomorrow x